Trinity Brewing is a Brewpub that I've been following for quite a long time. I'm absolutely envious of how they are running their business and if I ever decide to open a brew pub it's gonna be a lot like Trinity. They do your standard beers, but they also have an extensive barrel aging, souring program going on. Acid beer seems to be the main focus of this brewer, and brewery! Head brewer Jason Yester is a bit of a sour freak, in fact his Twitter handle he calls himself Saison_Man and states..."I love Saison MORE THAN ANYONE"! You gotta love the passion on a statement like that. Naturally I wanted to try some of his beers. I ended up making a trade with a dude in Colorado Springs for some Surly's and New Glarus for some Trinity's and Ska brewing beers! Pretty solid trade! I really like the Ska IPA Modus Hoperandi, I could drink a shit ton of that! I do have a review of the Trinity TPS Report though.
Trinity TPS Report is an American Wild Ale but I'd call it either a Funky Saison, a funky Saison with Wheat, or a Funky Wit beer.
Aroma: a mixture of funk and a tiny bit of citrus. very intriguing. I've never had a funky wit beer.
Appearance is cloudy like you'd expect. No head to speak of and barely carbonated.
Flavor: mildly sour at the start, kinda empty in the middle, but gushing with citrus,fruity yeast, cherry, a bit of brett funkyness in the finish. mouth waters for more instantly!
Mouthfeel; Mine was extremely under carbonated which I'm assuming wasn't the intention. Without carbonation it's rather light bodied and a little carbonation would really help this beer.
Overall-this is a fantastic beer for drinking on the porch on a 90 degree June day in Minnesota. It's only 5% so you can take down the whole bottle! The funkyness of the brett is strong in the nose, but is very much in the background in the taste, and the lemon, lime, tangerine dominates the flavor and refreshes the palate!
This beer really works for me. I'd say it's the lawnmower of funk beers. If this was a little bit more carbonated it would be an A, but I'd have to give it an (A-) VERY DANK BEER! Nice work Mr. Yester!