Very nice orange appearance that’s a bit hazy living up to the unfiltered claim.
Thin wispy head the recedes pretty quick, possibly due to the glass I’m using.
Aroma: Lots of clove, a bit of banana, honey, and some fusels. Aroma is chalk full of Belgian yeast, possible Wit yeast or some other clove, banana producing yeast.
Flavor: The flavor is all clove and honey with a bit of pilsner malt as a back bone. Fairly sweet and not too dry at all which I was expecting with all of the honey. I’m having a hard time detecting malt and hops which plays a background role to the honey and flavorful Belgian yeast.
Mouthfeel: The mouthfeel is surprisingly medium to full bodied which is surprising. I was expecting highly carbonated saison type tartness, but I got a full bodied sweet braggot with lower carbonation. I’m not complaining, I don’t believe I’ve ever had a Minnesota beer that I’ve ever enjoyed as much as this.
Overall: This is a great beer, not necessarily something that I could drink every night. It’s like a Belgian Strong ale, mixed with a Belgian Wit, mixed with a Braggot. Or, maybe it’s just a Braggot…I don’t believe I’ve ever had a braggot unless you consider a Saison with Honey a braggot. Fusels definitely start to hit you as it warms up and so does the alcohol as you get half way through the bottle.
I am so frickin pumped to see what else this brewery brings to the market. Can’t wait to visit the Farmhouse brewery on my way to La-X!